30 Jun CrossFit – Sun, Jun 30
Potrero Hill - CrossFitHalting Clean Pull (3-3-3-3)Power Clean (3x3 3x2 4x1 )...
Potrero Hill - CrossFitHalting Clean Pull (3-3-3-3)Power Clean (3x3 3x2 4x1 )...
South Park - Olympic LiftingSnatch Pull + Hang Snatch (3x2 @ 65% 2x2 @ 70%)Clean Pull + Hang Clean (3x2 @ 65% 2x2 @ 70%)Halting Snatch Pull + Snatch Pull (3x3 @ 65% 2x3 @ 70%)...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitDrag Partner WOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 20 10 synchro burpees 30 C2B/pull-ups, shared 10 Synchro burpees 40 Sit-ups w /DB shared 10 Synchro burpees 50 Goblet Lunges, shared 400m run together **see coaches notes below for fitness...
South Park - CrossFit LiteDrag Partner WOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 20 10 synchro burpees 30 C2B/pull-ups, shared 10 Synchro burpees 40 Sit-ups w /DB shared 10 Synchro burpees 50 Goblet Lunges, shared 400m run together **see coaches notes below for fitness levels ...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsFront Squat (6x3 @ 85%)Week PreviewFri- HSPU + Power Snatch Sat- Drag Partner WOD. Free drop-in for friends use code PRIDE24...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time) For time (Partition as desired) 300 DUs 75 Dbl KB deadlifts 100 V-Ups 400m Dbl KB carry (any style) Lv1: 25/18 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 53/35 Scale options: DUs- 150 or less V-ups- tuck ups or single leg V-upsMobility...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time) 2 min on for max cal, 2 min rest- 5x 21 burpees Bike for cal in remaining time 2 min rest 18 burpees Bike for cal 2 min rest 15 Burpees Bike for cal 2 min rest 12...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 2 min on for max cal, 2 min rest- 5x 21 burpees Bike for cal in remaining time 2 min rest 18 burpees Bike for cal 2 min rest 15 Burpees Bike for cal 2...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time) For time 1000m row 800m run 800m row 800m run 600m row 400m run 400m row 400 m run 200m row 200m runWeek PreviewSun- Oly Mock Meet- Register on WODify at South Park...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitA: Clean and Jerk (EMOM 5 5 Clean and Jerks)1 min restB: Clean and Jerk (EMOM 5 3 Clean and Jerks)1 min restC: Clean and Jerk (EMOM 5 1 Clean and Jerk)Week PreviewSat- Endurance Sun- Oly Mock Meet- Register on WODify at South...