24 Jan CrossFit – Fri, Jan 24
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Toes-To-BarWOD (Time)5 rounds for time 10 Straight leg toes-to-bar 10, 50ft Shuttle rusWeek PreviewSat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Toes-To-BarWOD (Time)5 rounds for time 10 Straight leg toes-to-bar 10, 50ft Shuttle rusWeek PreviewSat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Toes-To-BarWOD (Time)5 rounds for time 10 Straight leg toes-to-bar 10, 50ft Shuttle rusWeek PreviewSat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Toes-To-BarWOD (Time)5 rounds for time 10 Straight leg toes-to-bar 10, 50ft Shuttle rusWeek PreviewSat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
AnnouncementsNew Evening Schedule at CrossFit South ParkStarting Monday 1/27/25 classes & open gym times will be 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm.Please note this change is for SP onlyPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Toes-To-BarWOD (Time)5 rounds for time 10 Straight leg toes-to-bar 10, 50ft Shuttle rusWeek PreviewSat- KBS/Push-up/Box...
AnnouncementsNew Evening Schedule at CrossFit South ParkStarting Monday 1/27/25 classes & open gym times will be 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm.Please note this change is for SP onlyPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Toes-To-BarWOD (Time)5 rounds for time 10 Straight leg toes-to-bar 10, 50ft Shuttle rusWeek PreviewSat- KBS/Push-up/Box...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch Pull (3x3 85%+)Power Snatch (Every 2 min x 6 sets 2 Power Snatch Find a heavy 2 rep)Week PreviewFri- Toes-2-bar/ run Sat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch Pull (3x3 85%+)Power Snatch (Every 2 min x 6 sets 2 Power Snatch Find a heavy 2 rep)Week PreviewFri- Toes-2-bar/ run Sat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch Pull (3x3 85%+)Power Snatch (Every 2 min x 6 sets 2 Power Snatch Find a heavy 2 rep)Week PreviewFri- Toes-2-bar/ run Sat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch Pull (3x3 85%+)Power Snatch (Every 2 min x 6 sets 2 Power Snatch Find a heavy 2 rep)Week PreviewFri- Toes-2-bar/ run Sat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch Pull (3x3 85%+)Power Snatch (Every 2 min x 6 sets 2 Power Snatch Find a heavy 2 rep)Week PreviewFri- Toes-2-bar/ run Sat- KBS/Push-up/Box jump Sun- Rope climb, Handstand walk...