Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Rolling Pistols (10-15 min)Progression: -2 feet down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 1 foot up (use gymnastics mats to modify)WOD (Time)For time: 24-20-16-12 Single Arm Kettlebell Jerks Pistols Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/44 6 min capWeek PreviewWed- row/ jump rope Thurs- Power...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Rolling Pistols (10-15 min)Progression: -2 feet down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 1 foot up (use gymnastics mats to modify)WOD (Time)For time: 24-20-16-12 Single Arm Kettlebell Jerks Pistols Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/44 6 min capWeek PreviewWed- row/ jump rope Thurs- Power...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Rolling Pistols (10-15 min)Progression: -2 feet down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 1 foot up (use gymnastics mats to modify)WOD (Time)For time: 24-20-16-12 Single Arm Kettlebell Jerks Pistols Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/44 6 min capWeek PreviewWed- row/ jump rope Thurs- Power...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Rolling Pistols (10-15 min)Progression: -2 feet down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 1 foot up (use gymnastics mats to modify)WOD (Time)For time: 24-20-16-12 Single Arm Kettlebell Jerks Pistols Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/44 6 min capWeek PreviewWed- row/ jump rope Thurs- Power...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Rolling Pistols (10-15 min)Progression: -2 feet down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 1 foot up (use gymnastics mats to modify)WOD (Time)For time: 24-20-16-12 Single Arm Kettlebell Jerks Pistols Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/44 6 min capWeek PreviewWed- row/ jump rope Thurs- Power...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Rolling Pistols (10-15 min)Progression: -2 feet down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 1 foot up (use gymnastics mats to modify)WOD (Time)For time: 24-20-16-12 Single Arm Kettlebell Jerks Pistols Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/44 6 min capWeek PreviewWed- row/ jump rope Thurs- Power...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Rolling Pistols (10-15 min)Progression: -2 feet down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 2 feet up -1 foot down, 1 foot up (use gymnastics mats to modify)WOD (Time)For time: 24-20-16-12 Single Arm Kettlebell Jerks Pistols Lv1: 35/25 Lv2: 53/35 Lv3: 62/44 6 min capWeek PreviewWed- row/ jump rope Thurs- Power...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute (Time) For Time buy-in: 64 Double Unders then, 3 rds 9 C2B pull-ups 9 Front Squats 9 Burpee box jump overs 24/20" then 65 Weighted sit-ups w/ MB 20/14# Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3....

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute (Time) For Time buy-in: 64 Double Unders then, 3 rds 9 C2B pull-ups 9 Front Squats 9 Burpee box jump overs 24/20" then 65 Weighted sit-ups w/ MB 20/14# Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3....

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute (Time) For Time buy-in: 64 Double Unders then, 3 rds 9 C2B pull-ups 9 Front Squats 9 Burpee box jump overs 24/20" then 65 Weighted sit-ups w/ MB 20/14# Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3....