AnnouncementsKARAOKE NIGHT Saturday 2/22/25@ Parklab Gardens 1379 4th St, San Francisco, CA 94158 (next to Spark Social)5pm - 7pmPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitCrossFit Games Open 16.2 (AMRAP - Reps)4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of: 25 Toes To Bar 50 Double Unders Squat Cleans* *Round 1 - 15 @...

AnnouncementsKARAOKE NIGHT Saturday 2/22/25@ Parklab Gardens 1379 4th St, San Francisco, CA 94158 (next to Spark Social)5pm - 7pmPotrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Weight)6 sets for max load and max height: 1 [ Push Press + Push Jerk + Split jerk] 3 Box jumps @ as...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps) Bike/Row/Ski- athlete's choice (pick one for the whole WOD) For total calories: 1 min for max cal 1 min Rest 2 min for max cal 2 min Rest 3 min for max cal 3 min...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time)For Time: 21-15-9 Deadlifts Ring Dips Lv1: 135/95 Lv2: 185/125 Lv2: 225/155 10 min capWeek PreviewThurs- Monostructural intervals Fri- S2OH/ Box jumps Sat- Open WOD repeat Sun- Snatch drills...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitBench Press (8-8-6-6-4-4-4-2-2-2 As heavy as possible for each set. 3 min rest between sets)Week PreviewMon- pullovers/ shuttle runs Tues- DB total body Wed- Dips/ Deadlifts...

South Park - Olympic LiftingBTN Push Press + Heaving Snatch Balance + OHS (10 x 1 [3+2+1] @ 60-75% Every 90 sec)Muscle Snatch + Snatch (1 rep every 90 sec by 8 sets, pick load)GHD Hip Extension (3 x 10, weighted )Pendlay Row (3 x...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPartner WOD (Time)For time, partition as desired: 2 km Row 1200 m Ski 150 Box Step-upsWeek PreviewSun- Bench Press Mon- Pullovers/ Shuttle Runs Tues- DB WOD- -total body...

South Park - WOD LitePartner WOD (Time)For time, partition as desired: 2 km Row 1200 m Ski 150 Box Step-upsWeek PreviewSun- Bench Press Mon- Pullovers/ Shuttle Runs Tues- DB WOD- -total body...