Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time)5 rounds for time: 6 Wall Walks 30 Pistol Squats Scaled: 5 rounds for time 4 Wall Walks 20 Pistol SquatsWeek PreviewTues- "2024" chipper w/ light barbell Wed- Closed (Happy New Year!) Thurs- "Chief"...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time)5 rounds for time: 6 Wall Walks 30 Pistol Squats Scaled: 5 rounds for time 4 Wall Walks 20 Pistol SquatsWeek PreviewTues- "2024" chipper w/ light barbell Wed- Closed (Happy New Year!) Thurs- "Chief"...

Potrero Hill - CrossFitSnatch (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Clean and Jerk (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Week PreviewMon- Pistols/ wall walks Tues- "2024" chipper w/ light barbell Wed- Closed (Happy New Year!) Thurs- "Chief"...

Potrero Hill - CrossFitSnatch (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Clean and Jerk (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Week PreviewMon- Pistols/ wall walks Tues- "2024" chipper w/ light barbell Wed- Closed (Happy New Year!) Thurs- "Chief"...

Potrero Hill - CrossFitSnatch (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Clean and Jerk (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Week PreviewMon- Pistols/ wall walks Tues- "2024" chipper w/ light barbell Wed- Closed (Happy New Year!) Thurs- "Chief"...

Potrero Hill - CrossFitSnatch (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Clean and Jerk (3x4 75% 3x3 80% (20 min))Week PreviewMon- Pistols/ wall walks Tues- "2024" chipper w/ light barbell Wed- Closed (Happy New Year!) Thurs- "Chief"...