Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPower Clean (2 reps every 90 sec x 6 sets Warming up to WOD weight or slightly heavier)WOD (3 Rounds for reps)4 min AMRep/ 2 min rest - 3x 500/400m Row Power Cleans for reps in remaining time Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/95 Lv3: 165/105Week PreviewFri-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPower Clean (2 reps every 90 sec x 6 sets Warming up to WOD weight or slightly heavier)WOD (3 Rounds for reps)4 min AMRep/ 2 min rest - 3x 500/400m Row Power Cleans for reps in remaining time Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/95 Lv3: 165/105Week PreviewFri-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPower Clean (2 reps every 90 sec x 6 sets Warming up to WOD weight or slightly heavier)WOD (3 Rounds for reps)4 min AMRep/ 2 min rest - 3x 500/400m Row Power Cleans for reps in remaining time Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/95 Lv3: 165/105Week PreviewFri-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPower Clean (2 reps every 90 sec x 6 sets Warming up to WOD weight or slightly heavier)WOD (3 Rounds for reps)4 min AMRep/ 2 min rest - 3x 500/400m Row Power Cleans for reps in remaining time Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/95 Lv3: 165/105Week PreviewFri-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPower Clean (2 reps every 90 sec x 6 sets Warming up to WOD weight or slightly heavier)WOD (3 Rounds for reps)4 min AMRep/ 2 min rest - 3x 500/400m Row Power Cleans for reps in remaining time Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/95 Lv3: 165/105Week PreviewFri-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...