Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitTempo Push Press (4 x 4 3 Sec pause in dip + 3 sec neg to a pause in the catch, repeat. Goal: practice the best positions for barbell cycling and barbell receiving in front rack. )WOD (AMRAP - Rounds...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsBack Squat (7 x 2 @ 85-90% 3-4 min rest between sets )Week PreviewWed- Push press + Pull-up Thus- power clean/ row...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsBack Squat (7 x 2 @ 85-90% 3-4 min rest between sets )Week PreviewWed- Push press + Pull-up Thus- power clean/ row...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsBack Squat (7 x 2 @ 85-90% 3-4 min rest between sets )Week PreviewWed- Push press + Pull-up Thus- power clean/ row...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsBack Squat (7 x 2 @ 85-90% 3-4 min rest between sets )Week PreviewWed- Push press + Pull-up Thus- power clean/ row...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsBack Squat (7 x 2 @ 85-90% 3-4 min rest between sets )Week PreviewWed- Push press + Pull-up Thus- power clean/ row...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsBack Squat (7 x 2 @ 85-90% 3-4 min rest between sets )Week PreviewWed- Push press + Pull-up Thus- power clean/ row...