Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch + Overhead Squat (20 min EMOM 1 rep every min. Build to a heavy set, increasing weight as desired. )Week PreviewTues- Hero WOD- push press/ box jump/ KBS Wed- pull-ups/ power cleans Thurs- Hero WOD- bodyweight/run Fri- Handstands/ core Sat- Halloween Partner WOD-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch + Overhead Squat (20 min EMOM 1 rep every min. Build to a heavy set, increasing weight as desired. )Week PreviewTues- Hero WOD- push press/ box jump/ KBS Wed- pull-ups/ power cleans Thurs- Hero WOD- bodyweight/run Fri- Handstands/ core Sat- Halloween Partner WOD-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch + Overhead Squat (20 min EMOM 1 rep every min. Build to a heavy set, increasing weight as desired. )Week PreviewTues- Hero WOD- push press/ box jump/ KBS Wed- pull-ups/ power cleans Thurs- Hero WOD- bodyweight/run Fri- Handstands/ core Sat- Halloween Partner WOD-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch + Overhead Squat (20 min EMOM 1 rep every min. Build to a heavy set, increasing weight as desired. )Week PreviewTues- Hero WOD- push press/ box jump/ KBS Wed- pull-ups/ power cleans Thurs- Hero WOD- bodyweight/run Fri- Handstands/ core Sat- Halloween Partner WOD-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch + Overhead Squat (20 min EMOM 1 rep every min. Build to a heavy set, increasing weight as desired. )Week PreviewTues- Hero WOD- push press/ box jump/ KBS Wed- pull-ups/ power cleans Thurs- Hero WOD- bodyweight/run Fri- Handstands/ core Sat- Halloween Partner WOD-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch + Overhead Squat (20 min EMOM 1 rep every min. Build to a heavy set, increasing weight as desired. )Week PreviewTues- Hero WOD- push press/ box jump/ KBS Wed- pull-ups/ power cleans Thurs- Hero WOD- bodyweight/run Fri- Handstands/ core Sat- Halloween Partner WOD-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time) For Time with Double Dumbbells 30 DB Snatch 30 DB Front Squats 30 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead 30 DB Power Clean 30 DB Thrusters 4 min Burpee EMOM *start with burpees Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time) For Time with Double Dumbbells 30 DB Snatch 30 DB Front Squats 30 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead 30 DB Power Clean 30 DB Thrusters 4 min Burpee EMOM *start with burpees Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35...