20 Oct Olympic Lifting – Sun, Oct 20
South Park - Olympic LiftingBlock Snatch (Mid thigh 70% 4x3 75% 3x3)Block Clean (Mid thigh 70% 4x3 75% 3x3)Block Clean Pull (Mid-thigh 75% 4x4 80% 3x3)Overhead Squat (65% 2x3 70% 2x3 75% 2x3)...
South Park - Olympic LiftingBlock Snatch (Mid thigh 70% 4x3 75% 3x3)Block Clean (Mid thigh 70% 4x3 75% 3x3)Block Clean Pull (Mid-thigh 75% 4x4 80% 3x3)Overhead Squat (65% 2x3 70% 2x3 75% 2x3)...
South Park - Olympic LiftingBlock Snatch (Mid thigh 70% 4x3 75% 3x3)Block Clean (Mid thigh 70% 4x3 75% 3x3)Block Clean Pull (Mid-thigh 75% 4x4 80% 3x3)Overhead Squat (65% 2x3 70% 2x3 75% 2x3)...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (Time) For Time with Double Dumbbells 30 DB Snatch 30 DB Front Squats 30 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead 30 DB Power Clean 30 DB Thrusters 4 min Burpee EMOM *start with burpees Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35...
South Park - WOD LiteWOD (Time) 2 rounds for time 500m Row 20 Burpees over erg 400m Run 30 Russian KBS 35/25 Cal Bike 40 Sit-ups Lv1: 53/35 Lv2: 62/44 Lv3: 70/53 25 min cap...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (3 Rounds for reps) 5 min AMRep 500m row buy-in Deadlift for reps in remaining time @ 70% 2 min rest 5 min AMRep 400 m run buy-in Deadlift for reps in remaining time @ 70% 2 min rest ...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (3 Rounds for reps) 5 min AMRep 500m row buy-in Deadlift for reps in remaining time @ 70% 2 min rest 5 min AMRep 400 m run buy-in Deadlift for reps in remaining time @ 70% 2 min rest ...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (3 Rounds for reps) 5 min AMRep 500m row buy-in Deadlift for reps in remaining time @ 70% 2 min rest 5 min AMRep 400 m run buy-in Deadlift for reps in remaining time @ 70% 2 min rest ...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPress Wendler Week 3 (for cycle 2, add 5# to each set. For the 3rd set, the goal is 1+)75% of 90% x 5 85% of 90% x 3 95% of 90% x Max reps All % based on 90% of 1RMWOD...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPress Wendler Week 3 (for cycle 2, add 5# to each set. For the 3rd set, the goal is 1+)75% of 90% x 5 85% of 90% x 3 95% of 90% x Max reps All % based on 90% of 1RMWOD...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitPress Wendler Week 3 (for cycle 2, add 5# to each set. For the 3rd set, the goal is 1+)75% of 90% x 5 85% of 90% x 3 95% of 90% x Max reps All % based on 90% of 1RMWOD...