Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps)3 min AMRAP/ 1 min rest- 5 cycles 3 Power Cleans 6 Push Press 9 Back Squats Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 Goal (s): -barbell complex is unbroken -3+ rounds every cycleMobility (Checkmark)Quad foam roll 3 min Couch stretch 90 secWeek PreviewSat- Ring MU/ pull-ups Sun-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the MonthMax Height Box Jump (Distance)Max Height Box JumpTwo foot take off from standstill.WOD (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 20 -Bike for max Cal -Box Jump for max reps -Weighted Plank (30 sec hold) -Sled push, 100ftWeek PreviewFri-...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the MonthMax Height Box Jump (Distance)Max Height Box JumpTwo foot take off from standstill.WOD (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 20 -Bike for max Cal -Box Jump (24/20') for max reps -Weighted Plank (30 sec hold) -Sled push,...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch (EMOM 10 1 Snatch Goal: 60-80%)Challenge of the MonthOverhead Squat (15 min to find a 3 rep max (From the rack))Week PreviewThurs- Box jump/ bike/sled Fri- Light barbell complex- squat dominant Sat- Ring MU Sun- Deadlift/ DUs...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSnatch (EMOM 10 1 Snatch Goal: 60-80%)Challenge of the MonthOverhead Squat (15 min to find a 3 rep max (From the rack))Week PreviewThurs- Box jump/ bike/sled Fri- Light barbell complex- squat dominant Sat- Ring MU Sun- Deadlift/ DUs...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitMoore (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20-Minute AMRAP of: 1 Rope Climb, 15' Run 400m Max Rep Handstand Push-upsIn honor of Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011To learn more about Moore click hereWeek PreviewWed-...

Potrero Hill - CrossFitWOD (2 Rounds for time) Every 3 min x 10 rounds 50m sprint x 5 sets 100m sprint x 5 setsPost fasted 50m and fastest 100mWeek PreviewMon- DB Squats/ Cleans Tues- Hero WOD- rope climbs/ run. HSPU Wed- Snatch/ OHS test Thurs- Jump/ long...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 15 min AMRAP 9 Ring Push-ups 18 DB Snatch 18 Single arm Overhead Lunge Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35Week PreviewSat- Power clean/ GHD sit-ups Sun- Sprints...