LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 7 AM, 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP: 2x: 10 Step-ups 20 Clamshells each side 10 Hip rotations 6 Spider Lunges 6 Crosses 10 Good mornings 10 Hollow rocks STRENGTH: Tempo (Back) Squats 5x5 (5:3:0:0) WOD: 4 min AMRAP, 1 min Rest- 3 Cycles (restart...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP: 2x: 6 Samson Stretch 6 Up-downs 6 DB/KB snatch each side 6 Pause Air Squat (5 sec) STRENGTH: Bulgarian Split Squat 4 sets of 8-12 reps each leg WOD: Barbell Version: 10-1 Power Cleans Bar- Facing Burpees...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 7 AM, 8 AM and 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP: 2x: 10 Cat-cows 10 Thoracic rotations 10 Plank bird dog 10 Press 10 Ground-to-sky STRENGTH: Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts 4 sets of 8 reps each leg WOD: Alternating Tabata: 20 sec work/ 10...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM and 12 PM Memorial Day Hero WOD "Murph" 1 Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run Modified Options: "1/2" Murph 800 m Run 50 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 150 Air Squats 800 m Run No Running Option: 50 Burpees 50 Pull-ups/ Rows 100 Push-ups 150 Air Squats 50 Burpees No Equipment Option: 50...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 10 AM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP: 2x: 10 Step-ups 10 Handstand Shoulder Taps 10 DB Deadlifts 10 Up-downs WOD: 22 min AMRAP 11 HSPU 22 Sit-ups 11/11 Single arm DB Power Cleans 22 DB Step-ups ...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP: Dynamic stretching flow x 10 then, 3x with PVC pipe/ broomstick: 4 Pass thrus 4 Turnovers 4 OHS 4 Sotts Press 4 OH Lunges then, barbell or KB warm-up for the WOD SKILL: Windmills- 4...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 7 AM, 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO- WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WOD: "The Big Sexy" (For Time) 100 Jumping Jacks 90 sec Plank hold 80 Glute Bridges 70 Flutter Kicks (L + R = 1) 60 sec Wall Sit hold 50 Shoulder Taps...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP 2x: 6 Squat Flow 6 Hip Rotations 6 Spider Lunges 10 Shoulder Taps 10 Hollow rocks then before starting WOD, do 3 min of cardio to get heart rate up. Then rest 90 secs,...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 7 AM, 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP: 2x: 15 Jump Jacks 10 Scap push-ups 10 Scap pull-ups/ rows 5 Ground 2 sky each side 5 Reverse Burpees WOD: 25 min EMOM (5, 1 minute stations, 5 rounds) -45 sec Rows/pull-ups -45...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP EXPLANATION WARM-UP: 2 min Cardio of choice then 1 round: 10 Boostrappers 10 Spider Lunges 10 Crosses 10 Hollow Rocks then 2 rounds: 10 scapula push-ups 5 Tempo Air squats (5:0:5:0) WOD: Death By Front Squats and Burpees "Death...