19 Jan Olympic Lifting – Sun, Jan 19
South Park - Olympic LiftingSnatch (Find a heavy single or 90%)Clean and Jerk (Find a heavy single or 90%)Pull-ups (5x5)...
South Park - Olympic LiftingSnatch (Find a heavy single or 90%)Clean and Jerk (Find a heavy single or 90%)Pull-ups (5x5)...
South Park - WOD LiteWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 1 min stations for max reps- 5x -Wall Balls 20/14 -Alternating DB snatch 50/35 -Box jump over 243/20" -Bike Cal -Rest Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ftWeek PreviewSun- Rowing...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 1 min stations for max reps- 5x -Wall Balls 20/14 -Alternating DB snatch 50/35 -Abmat Sit-ups -Bike Cal -Rest Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ftWeek PreviewSun- Rowing...
South Park - WOD LiteWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 1 min stations for max reps- 5x -Wall Balls 20/14 -Alternating DB snatch 50/35 -Abmat Sit-ups -Bike Cal -Rest Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ftWeek PreviewSun- Rowing...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 1 min stations for max reps- 5x -Wall Balls 20/14 -Alternating DB snatch 50/35 -Abmat Sit-ups -Bike Cal -Rest Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ftWeek PreviewSun- Rowing...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 1 min stations for max reps- 5x -Wall Balls 20/14 -Alternating DB snatch 50/35 -Abmat Sit-ups -Bike Cal -Rest Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ftWeek PreviewSun- Rowing...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 1 min stations for max reps- 5x -Wall Balls 20/14 -Alternating DB snatch 50/35 -Abmat Sit-ups -Bike Cal -Rest Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ftWeek PreviewSun- Rowing...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (5 Rounds for reps) 1 min stations for max reps- 5x -Wall Balls 20/14 -Alternating DB snatch 50/35 -Abmat Sit-ups -Bike Cal -Rest Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ftWeek PreviewSun- Rowing...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: (Checkmark)Kipping pull-up/ C2B drillsWOD (Time)For time: 75 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 5 Burpee EMOM 10 min time cap Score = time completed or reps completed at time cap Scale movement to pull-ups, jumping chest-to-bars, or jumping pull-upsWeek PreviewSat- 1 min stations (light) Sun- Rowing...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: (Checkmark)Kipping pull-up/ C2B drillsWOD (Time)For time: 75 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 5 Burpee EMOM 10 min time cap Score = time completed or reps completed at time cap Scale movement to pull-ups, jumping chest-to-bars, or jumping pull-upsWeek PreviewSat- 1 min stations (light) Sun- Rowing...