STRENGTH: Every 3 min -5 sets 10 Back Squats @65%  (Or 10# heavier than on 3/9)  Partner WOD: 9 min AMRAP 60 DU 30 Double DB Box step overs (50/35) *share work as desired *one partner works at a time REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK...

WOD: 5 rounds for time 5 Burpees 20 Air Squats 5 Burpees 20 KBS (53/35) 5 Burpees 20 Alternating Lunges 5 Burpees 10 Toes-to-bar *30 min cap* REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. PEEK into the WEEK...

A: EMOM 4 Snatch high pull + Hang power snatch (light-mod warm-up weight) B: Every 90 sec x 9 sets Power Snatch 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 Rest 3 min, then: C: EMOM 4 Clean high pull+ hang power clean (Light-mod warm-up weight) D: Every 90 sec x 9 sets Power Clean 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY...

STRENGTH/SKILL: Split jerk drills then, 12 min to find a heavy 1 rep split jerk (off rack)  WOD:  5 min AMRAP, 2 min rest -2 cycles 5 Hang Power Cleans   5 Shoulder-to-Overhead 10 Push ups  Lv1: 75/55 Lv2: 105/70 Lv3: 135/85 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR...

STRENGTH: Every 2 min for 5 sets 2 Back Squats @ 80% WOD: 2 min on/ 1 min off- 6 rounds Row 12/10 cal then, Overhead Squats for reps in remaining time Score = total reps Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3: 115/75 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK...

Skill: Kipping Pull-ups/Butterfly pull-ups technique (10 min) Strength: 30 sec on/1 min rest- 5x Max rep Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups/ Pull-ups WOD: 10 min AMRAP  8 Rolling Pistols 16 Bent Over Dbl DB Rows  40 Double Unders Lv3: 35/25 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password:...

Skill: 10 min to find max height: standing box jump WOD: For time: 21-15-9  Deadlift 800m Run after each round Lv1: 155/105 Lv2: 195/135 Lv3: 225/155 Finish: PNF Hamstring stretch BB Calf smash  REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 290772Class @ 12 PM PEEK into...

STRENGTH: Every 2 min x 5 sets 5 Strict Press @ 70% WOD: 12 min AMRAP 3 rounds  25ft Handstand Walk/ 25m Bear Crawl 25m Box Push 45/25 Then, AMRAP in remaining time 5 Strict-push up burpees 10 Single Arm KB/DB Hang Clusters Lv3: 53/35 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY...

A. Every 90 sec x 4 sets Clean High Pull + HPC +FS B. Every 90 sec x 4 sets Clean High Pull + Hang Squat Clean C. EMOM 10 1 Squat Clean D. Every 2 min x 5 sets 3 Front Squats @75% (off rack) REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short...

8:30 AM Lite N Tite: 20 min AMRAP- Partner WOD (single KB) Row 500m 40 Hang KB Snatch 20 KB OHS (single arm) Row 1000m  50 KB Clean and Jerks 50 Goblet Lunges Lv3: 50/35 Only one partner works at a time. Share Work as desired. 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM WOD: Partner WOD 20 min AMRAP Row...