Reebok CrossFit Shoot Day 2. Rain or shine, all Regular Group Classes will be held outside Tuesday 3/25, Wednesday 3/36, and Friday 3/28. Meet at the box as usual, stash your bike and stuff as usual and the WOD will carry-on outside. Partner WODs at Jackson Park...

Reebok CrossFit Shoot Day 1. Rain or shine, all Regular Group Classes will be held outside Tuesday 3/25, Wednesday 3/36, and Friday 3/28. Meet at the box as usual, stash your bike and stuff as usual and the WOD will carry-on outside. Benchmark: for time De Haro Hustle WOD...

Strength: Thrusters 8 min to find a 1 rep max. Then drop to 85% of that max and perform max reps. “Rainbow” 200m row 2 60ft Sled/Prowler push 20 DB Thrusters @ 45/25 20 KB SDHP @ 62/44 20 Push ups 20 OH Sit-ups @ 45/25 20 Burpees 20 OH Sit-ups 20 Push Ups 20...

Strength: 3 Clean pulls + 2 Clean from the knee + 1 Clean from the hip 7 x (3+2+1) Work up to heaviest set possible. WOD: For time (15 min cap) 100 KB Clean and Jerks @ 53/35# 5 Burpee EMOM interruption (start first minute with burpees). WOD Prep with Yasmen: 1....

Class is 9:30am-11:30am, 1st heat will roll out around 10am. When you come in, sign up for a heat, check in and start the warm up. $5 drop-in for non-members. Not registered for the open? No problem! You can modify the workouts as needed and still join...

Strength: 20 min to complete the following Snatch Complex Snatch Push Press + Heaving Snatch Balance + Squat Snatch 7 x 1 WOD: For time 21-15-9 Power Snatches @ 115/75# Burpees [standout-css3-button href=""]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide free access to...

The fourth CrossFit Games Open Workout is Announced today at 5pm! We will be having regular WODs for all morning and noon class, but night class is different: 5-6pm 14.4 Open Announcment - we will be watching it live on the big screen, everyone welcome! 6-7:30pm Open workout-...

Strength: Push Press Warm up to 65 - 70% of your Push Press 1 RM, then at that weight complete 5 Reps every 2 minutes for 10 minutes. WOD: 3 rounds for max reps 1 min Plyometric Push Ups 1 min Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 95/65# 1 min 2...

Skill: Sprint Intervals 4 x 400m, rest 1 min in between Score will be total time it takes to complete all 4 sets including rest. WOD: 12 min AMRAP 20 Hollow Rocks 15 Hang Power Cleans @ 95/65# 10 Pull ups WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body for the...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! (no we will not be chugging pints and doing burpees today… you're welcome) Skill: Handstands Beginner: 1. Tripod to headstand 2. find max time handstand against wall Advanced: 1. find max free handstand time 2. find max distance handstand walk WOD: 10! 10-1 Deficit HSPU (45# plates) 1-10 Pistols...