31 Aug CFPH Athlete of the Month! September 2015
We want to profile one CFPH Athlete once a month based on goals achieved, spirit, and all-around AWESOMENESS! Presenting CFPH September 2015’s Athlete of the month:
Nick Poggetti!
Nick has been with CFPH for 1.5 years and has become a big part of our community. If you come to 5pm class or Saturdays, you would know this goofball. You might see him coming in early or staying late to put in the extra work for achieving his goals. We are pretty sure he rings the PR Bell every time we are testing a new max! Not only is he getting wicked strong, but he does this all while living with Type 1 Diabetes. We appreciate that he is always friendly and smiling, and doesn’t complain we he shares a rack with someone quite shorter than him (did we mention the guy is really tall?). Oh, and you can thank him for fixing our fan, he did that without us asking! If you see Nick around be sure to give him a tall high five!
1) When did you start CrossFitting and how did you get into it?
I started crossfit nearly 4 years ago, did it for maybe 6-8 months, then stopped until I joined up with you studs. I got into it when a friend of mine convinced me to give it a shot. She said there was a ton of barbell training so I was game. I loved every bit of it, but in 2011 my work schedule made it really tough to be consistent with the gym I was a member of. They required signing up for the classes and with the sporadic schedule I was on, I couldn’t justify the price I was paying for not being able to attend more than once or twice a week. Now my job allows me freedom, and I’m walking distance to CFPH, so it’s easy to get my lift on.
2) What do you like to do outside of CrossFit?
Hmm. I enjoy lots of things. I love golfing, cooking, trying new beers and wines, and new restaurants across San Francisco. Right now my obsession is my new herb garden – I’ve never had my own little garden, so the highlight of my day is going home and seeing how much bigger the seedlings have gotten. Super rad. Hopefully I don’t kill any of them.
3) How did CrossFit change your life?
I think Crossfit (specifically CFPH) changed my life by ‘getting me back on track.’ I played D1 College water polo and by my final season, I was so burnt out. I had spent the past 12 years obsessing over the sport, and the last 4 in college working out in the weightroom and in the pool 5-6 days a week all year long. When I finished my last season in 2010, I needed a break. Unfortunately that break lasted a good two years (except for that 6-8 month Crossfit stint I mentioned before). It wasn’t until I finally decided to get off my butt and get back into shape, and I joined CFPH. Now all my big lifts are bigger than they were in college and getting bigger every time I test my PRs, and I’m stoked about that. During those two years, I also learned that I’m really, really bad at working out on my own. I can’t do commercial gyms. I think it’s a combination of being spoiled and always having access to the athletic facilities at school, and the fact that I never learned how to work out on my own. I was always in shape because I had to go to practice. It was just part of my routine, part of my life. When that was all over, I kinda sat around and scratched my head. Oh – Also just as important: I’ve met tons of awesome new people and friends through Crossfit Potereo Hill that I would have never met otherwise. Shout out to Big Colombo for always being my lifting partner.
4) Would you rather, do “Diane” Hungover or the “De Haro Hustle” wearing a resistance chute in 60 mph winds?
I would take on Diane after a long night of whisky. Because De Haro Hustle includes running. And I hate running.
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