31 Jul CFPH’s Athlete of the Month! August 2015
We want to profile one CFPH Athlete once a month based on goals achieved, spirit, and all-around AWESOMENESS! Presenting CFPH August 2015’s Athlete of the month:
Sasha Yevelev is one of our O.G. members who started with us when we were in the “cage” at World Gym. He has not only been with us since 2011, but also has gotten his wife to join and has helped us out a ton using his photography expertise, making us our first marketing video. But the main reason he is our first official “Athlete of the Month” is because we won our very first Beyond the Whiteboard Challenge! A challenge that used a point system related to logging scores in the Beyond the Whiteboard app and setting PRs, and attendance to not only class, but mobility and yoga.
1) When did you start CrossFitting and how did you get into it?
I am a wedding photographer, and my first experience with CrossFit was when one of my couples asked me if I could take a photograph of the groom doing an overhead squat with the bride. We ended up not doing the photograph for logistical reasons, but they definitely piqued my interest in the sport. Some time later I was exercising at a hotel gym while at a destination wedding in Mexico, and saw one of the guests doing a workout with manmakers and pullups. I inquired and found out that this too was a CrossFit workout. When my wife Mila (also a proud CFPH member) and I were preparing for our wedding back in 2011, I suggested that we try out CrossFit to get in shape. I visited a different box before finally finding the awesome community at CFPH. I did my elements courses with Alexis in November 2011, and I’ve been a regular at CFPH ever since.
2) What do you like to do outside of CrossFit?
Check the website to see tomorrow’s workout. I love to do yoga, which I’ve found is a perfect complement to CF Also, I run my own business and care for my 10-month old son, so that takes up most of my time.
3) How did CrossFit change your life?
CrossFit has become the foundation of what a successful day looks like. If I start the day right with a WOD in the morning, I have more energy and everything seems to flow better. I live and breathe photography, and CrossFit has given me the endurance to tackle long shoots with heavy gear. CrossFit has taught me to move better and be aware of body mechanics, which is important since I have a very physical job and I’m a dad. I’ve also changed my diet in a positive way. Since I began CrossFit, I’ve gone from 13% body fat to about 8%, and put on about 10 lbs of muscle. I can do fun things like handstand pushups, double-unders and muscle-ups, and I’ve increased my strength in a big way (my deadlift has gone up by about 200 lbs).
4) Would you rather, do “Diane” Hungover or the “De Haro Hustle” wearing a resistance chute in 60 mph winds?
Being 33 years old, drinking, and doing CrossFit don’t mix. Strap on the parachute.
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