CrossFit – Mon, Sep 2

Potrero Hill, South Park – CrossFit

Lazar Ðukić (Time)

3 Rounds of:

30 calorie Row

10 Bar Muscle-Ups

Rest 3 minutes

Then, 3 Rounds of:

30 calorie Row

15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Rest 3 minutes

Finally, 3 rounds of:

10 Bar Muscle-Ups

15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Time Cap: 99 minutes

This workout is in honor of Lazar Ðukić, an elite athlete and beloved friend, who tragically passed away on August 8th, 2024, while competing in the CrossFit Games.

To learn more about Lazar Ðukić click here
WOD Goals:

-45 min time cap

-Finish each section in 10 min- scale accordinly to make this happen

-If not enough equipment, sub with bike- use the same equipment for the 3 rounds, but can switch equipment for the next part

-Row/ Bike under 1:40- reduce calories to accomplish this

-BMU done under 3 sets. If can only do single BMU, then do 3 BMU per round.

-Scale BMU to 5-7 jumping BMU or 7-10 Jumping C2B pull-ups

-Scale Strict HSPU to be done under 2 sets: Kipping HSPU or box HSPU, or DB Z Press

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