CrossFit – Wed, Jul 17

Potrero Hill, South Park – CrossFit

Muscle Snatch + Snatch Grip BTN Push Press + Snatch Balance (3x [3+3+3])

Snatch (EMOM 6
2 (Squat) Snatch
Building to WOD weight)

Amanda (Time)

9-7-5 reps for time of:


Squat snatches

Lv1: 75/55

Lv2: 115/75

Lv3: 135/95

15 min cap

Scale: RMU to ring muscle up transitions at appropriate degree of difficulty

-Jumping ring MU

-low ring transition with foot assist through dip

-9-7-5 box dips + ring rows

Week Preview

Thurs- Strict HSPU

Fri- Row

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