26 Jun ENJOY WOD- Saturday, June 27
Today, Coach Victor and Eric will be hosting a special WOD brought to you by ENJOY. Anyone and everyone is welcome! $100 gift certificate to any product at ENJOY is rewarded to those who participate! Come for fun, snacks and take a look at the fun toys ENJOY has to offer.
See more details at the official Facebook event here.
Partner WOD 1:
5 min AMRAP
20 Plank Burpees
40 Single Arm KB Thruster
*share work as desired
*one partner works at a time
2-3min rest
Partner WOD 2:
5 min AMRAP
12 Jumping Lunges
6 Pull-ups/ 12 jumping pull-ups
*relay style- one partner does entire round, then switch
2-3 min rest
WOD 3: “Drone may I” (5 min)
Wall Sit Hold
V-up hold
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