28 Oct Halloween WOD and Party- Saturday, Oct 29
Today is the Halloween WOD and party! Arrive by 10 am. Prizes for best costumes, and there will be free food and beer! See more details on our Facebook event page here.
No Lite N Tite today. This is the only WOD we will be doing.
Food provided by Zesty!
WOD 1/ Re-test:
Max unbroken OHS (5 min cap)
Each partner establishes max reps. Score = total reps.
Lv1: 85/55
Lv2: 115/75
Lv3: 135/95
WOD 2:
“Musical Burpees”
With a Partner
70 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
70 Pull-ups
70 Kettlebell Swings, 35/26 lbs
70 Knees To Elbows
70 Push Press, 45/35 lbs
70 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
70 Double Unders
70 Cal Row
**Both partners do 4 burpees when the music stops**
-Share reps, one partner works at a time
-Cannot move onto the next movement until all 70 reps are complete
-Only the partner not on the rower has to do burpees
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