01 Dec Holiday Athlete’s Cup- Saturday, Dec 2
Today is our 6th ANNUAL HOLIDAY ATHLETE’S CUP! Our favorite time of the year, you don’t want to miss it! This is an in-house, friendly competition for our members only. There is an Rx and Scaled division.
Arrive at 9am for WOD briefing and Warm-up. Heats will roll-out in this Order:
Scaled Men
Rx Men
Scaled Women
Rx Women
End time of the event is TBD. If you can’t stay the whole time, come and do what you can, but you can’t be in the running for prizes!
Bring food and stay hangout after for potluck beer and mimosas!
Check our Facebook event HERE for more details.
Sponsors by:
Muscle Activation San Francisco- they will be here to demonstrate and administer therapy!
Kitava San Francisco- a paleo-friendly restaurant in the Mission
Territory Foods- they will be here for you to sample their latest prepared meals!
WOD A: December Challenge!
1K Row for time
WOD B: “Pie Gainz”
8 min -3 attempts only
Find max weight of the following barbell complex:
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
3 Jerks
*Bar is empty at the sound of the beep
*Cannot let go of the bar during the complex- all must be touch and go.
*Jerks can be any should-to-overhead style (push press, push jerk, split jerk)
WOD C: “Elf Labor”
Rx, Men/Women
14 min AMRAP
21 Dumbbell Cleans 50/35
14 Toes-2-Bar
21 Dumbbell Front Squats 50/35
14 C2B/Pull-ups
21 Burpees to a plate
14 Bar Muscle Ups/C2B pull-ups
Scaled, Men/Women
14 min AMRAP
21 Dumbbell Cleans 35/25
14 Knees-2-armpits
21 Dumbbell Front Squats 35/25
14 Jumping C2B pull-ups
21 Burpees to a plate
14 Pull-ups
Floater WOD:
Surprise Obstacle Course!
Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard
Don’t have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide free access to this tool for our member athletes.
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