04 Sep WOD- Tuesday, Sept 5
We are in the middle of our progressive Whole 30 Challenge. We are starting with cutting out DAIRY! “This means no cheese, cow milk, yogurt, cream, sour cream, kefir, and butter. The only exception to this rule is that you can have ghee.”
Let’s clean up that diet and get us ready for the CF TEAM SERIES
Find a touch-n-go 3 Power SN (pwr or sq)
2 MIN on/2 MIN off 3rds
3 rope climbs
Max reps Snatch
*CrossFit Team Series!!! Partner competition, 4 WODs, 2 Weeks! 9/20-10/2. We will be hosting Friday nights and Saturday mornings. Find a partner and sign-up online HERE. Can be mixed-sex or same-sex pairs.
Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href=”http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2017/sept04/”]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button]
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