07 Jun CrossFit – Fri, Jun 7
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsFront Squat (5 x 10 Start at 60% and increase as desired 3-4 min rest between sets )Week...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsFront Squat (5 x 10 Start at 60% and increase as desired 3-4 min rest between sets )Week...
Strength: Every 2.5 min x 5 sets 3 Tempo back squats 5:0:5:0 @ 50-65% WOD: Buy-in: 75 sit-ups Then, 4 rounds 50 Double unders 25 Dbl DB Front Lunges Cash-out: 75 Sit-ups Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 50/35 Scale sit-ups to 50...
Skill: Bar Muscle Up drills WOD: 5 min AMRAP 9 DL 185/135 9 Pull-ups 2 min Rest 5 min AMRAP 6 DL 225/155 6 C2B pulll-ups 2 min rest 5 min AMRAP 3 DL 275/185 3 Bar Muscle-ups Lv1: 135,155,185/ 95,105,125 Lv2: 155,185,225/ 105,135,155 Lv3: 185,225,275/ 135,155,185 ...
SKILL: Kipping HSPU tips and tricks WOD: 5 rounds for time of: 60 Air Squats 30 Plank Up Downs (forearms to hands and back) 15 Handstand Push-ups 30 min time cap ...
Benchmark Strength: Bear Complex 7-7-7-7-7 Rest 3 min after each set Cannot let go of bar Finish: 3 x 30sec upside down KB hold (½ kneeling) ...
WOD: For time: 800m run buy-in Then, 10rds 7 Toes to bars 8 Box jumps 9 KBS Then, 800m run cash out *4 burpee EMOM once you come back from the run (and not during cash out run) 30 min time cap Lv1:...
Strength: BB Bent over Row 4 x 10 WOD: Every 2 min- 6 sets 5 Deadlifts @70% 35 Double Unders Rest reminder of the interval before starting again. ...
Strength: Push Press 5x3 3 reps every 2 min for 5 sets 80-85% WOD: 30 sec on/off -5 rounds 30 sec Push-ups for reps 30 sec rest 30 sec Ring support hold 30 sec rest Finish: Lat foam roll ...
Strength: 5x1 Back Squat 1 rep every 2 min for 5 sets Start at 90% WOD: For time: (Level 3) 400m run 9 Bar Muscle Ups 400m run 6 Bar Muscle Ups 400m run 3 Bar Muscle Ups (Level 2) 400m run 15 C2B pull-ups 400m...
Warm-up: EMOM 6 1 Clean and Jerk Start at 50% and work up to WOD weight or heavier WOD: For time: 30 Cal Row 50 Wall Balls, 20/14 5 Clean and Jerks 20 Cal Row 40 Wall balls 5 Clean and...