11 Jan WOD Lite – Sat, Jan 11
South Park - WOD LiteWOD (6 Rounds for reps)1 min stations for max reps- 6 rounds -Alternating DB Snatch -Lateral Burpees Over DB -Wall Balls Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ft...
South Park - WOD LiteWOD (6 Rounds for reps)1 min stations for max reps- 6 rounds -Alternating DB Snatch -Lateral Burpees Over DB -Wall Balls Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/35, 20# @10ft/ 14# @ 9ft...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Tall Cleans (4 sets of 5 reps @ light (40%) )Rise up to triple extension, pause, and drop to bottom of front squatWOD (5...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Tall Cleans (4 sets of 5 reps @ light (40%) )Rise up to triple extension, pause, and drop to bottom of front squatWOD (5...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Tall Cleans (4 sets of 5 reps @ light (40%) )Rise up to triple extension, pause, and drop to bottom of front squatWOD (5...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Tall Cleans (4 sets of 5 reps @ light (40%) )Rise up to triple extension, pause, and drop to bottom of front squatWOD (5...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Tall Cleans (4 sets of 5 reps @ light (40%) )Rise up to triple extension, pause, and drop to bottom of front squatWOD (5...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitSkill: Tall Cleans (4 sets of 5 reps @ light (40%) )Rise up to triple extension, pause, and drop to bottom of front squatWOD (5...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20 min AMRAP 12 Box Jumps, 24/20 9 Kettlebell Swing 3 Ring Muscle-ups/ Transitions Lv1: 53/35 Lv2: 62/44 Lv3: 70/53Week PreviewFri- Bike intervals Sat- Snatch/ Burpee Sun- Open...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20 min AMRAP 12 Box Jumps, 24/20 9 Kettlebell Swing 3 Ring Muscle-ups/ Transitions Lv1: 53/35 Lv2: 62/44 Lv3: 70/53Week PreviewFri- Bike intervals Sat- Snatch/ Burpee Sun- Open...
Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitWOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20 min AMRAP 12 Box Jumps, 24/20 9 Kettlebell Swing 3 Ring Muscle-ups/ Transitions Lv1: 53/35 Lv2: 62/44 Lv3: 70/53Week PreviewFri- Bike intervals Sat- Snatch/ Burpee Sun- Open...