WOD Blog

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Strength A: Every 90 for 6 2 cleans + jerk @ 80%+ Strength B: Back Squat Wendler Wk 2 70% x3 80% x3 90% x3+ WOD: 5 rds: 90 sec on/ 30 sec rest 100m run Max rep Back Squat @ 60%...

Skill: Muscle-up Skillz 15 min AMRAP for quality Swing Hip to rings x5 Ring supports x5 MU transitions x5 Scaled: Ring rows x5 GHD sit-ups x10 Kipping swings on bar x10 Partner WOD: 20 min AMRAP 9-15-21 MU/ Burpee Pull-ups Thrusters Lv1: 95/65 Lv2:...

Skill: Muscle-up Skillz 15 min AMRAP for quality Swing Hip to rings x5 Ring supports x5 MU transitions x5 Scaled: Ring rows x5 GHD sit-ups x10 Kipping swings on bar x10 Partner WOD: 20 min AMRAP 9-15-21 MU/ Burpee Pull-ups Thrusters Lv1: 95/65 Lv2:...

Benchmark WOD: De Haro Hustle Strength: Deadlift Wendler wk 1 65%x5 75%x5 85%x5+ % based on 90% of 1rm *go off new maxes. If hit the same number continue from cycle 2, you will now be on...

Skill: Tall Jerk Drills Strength A: Push Press Wendler wk 1 65%x5 75%x5 85%x5+ % based on 90% of 1rm *go off new maxes. If hit the same number continue from cycle 2, you will now...

Strength: Back Squat Wendler wk 1 65%x5 75%x5 85%x5+ % based on 90% of 1rm *go off new maxes. If hit the same number continue from cycle 2, you will now be on cycle 3, adding...

Olympic Total Find a heavy 1 rep Snatch Find a heavy 1 rep Clean and Jerk Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2016/June01/"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and...

Skill: find max standing vertical jump Strength: Back rack lunges (back step) 5x5 (each leg) WOD: 9 min AMRAP 15 Cal Row 12 OHS 9 Burpees Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 6pm Lite N Tite WOD 1: 5-4-3-2-1 Wall Walks 10-10-10-10-10 Pistols WOD 2: Partner Offense/Defense- 4...

Memorial Day, Monday, May 30 Schedule: 10 am and 11 am only Strength: Weighted Ring Push-ups 5x5 Lv1: regular push-ups (on bar if necessary, not knees) WOD: 4 min on/ 1 min off- 3...