Congrats to the members of Team CrossFit Potrero Hill at yesterday's Caffeine and Kilos Competition! Go Victor, Heini and Beaux! WOD Prep with Yasmen...
Congrats to the members of Team CrossFit Potrero Hill at yesterday's Caffeine and Kilos Competition! Go Victor, Heini and Beaux! WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body before the...
WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body before the WOD 1. T-spine smash 2. Barbell Calf Smash Strength: Front Squat 5x2 @ 80-85% Partner WOD: 3 rds for time 30 Hang Cleans 95/65 40 Box...
WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body before the WOD 1. Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach 2. Overhead Tissue Smash Skillz: Pistol Skill of the week 1x of each. Candlestick Roll + Rolling...
WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body before the WOD 1. T-spine smash 2. Barbell Calf Smash 3. Hamstring Opener with Lacrosse Ball Strength: Single Leg Romanian DL 4 x 8-10 w/ DB/KB WOD-...
WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body before the WOD 1. T-spine smash 2. Overhead Tissue Smash 3. Low Back Warm-Up and Stretch Bar Warm-up 2rds: 5 HPS 5 PS 5 HPC 5 PC 5 PJ 5 pause BS for...
Strength: Strict Press 4x3 @75% Benchmark WOD: “Fight Gone Bad” 3 rds- 1 min intervals Wall Balls Push Press SDHP Box Jumps Row rest score = total reps [standout-css3-button href=""]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging...
WOD Prep with Yasmen: How to prepare your body for the WOD/ recover from the WOD- 1. Low Back Recovery 2. Barbell Calf Smash Warm up- Rowing pause drills (no straps) a) Drive Finish b) Arms...