WOD Blog

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Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the Month1 Max Set: Strict Pull-ups Scaled options: L2: Max hold: Chin-above-bar L1: Max hold: straight arm hang on barWOD Prep (Weight) EMOM 9 3x3 Squat...