WOD Blog

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Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitMobility (Checkmark)Front rack focusSquat Warm-up (Checkmark)2x: 10 Goblet squats 10 tempo RDLs 5/5 tempo cossack squatsWOD (Time) 9-7-5-15-12-9 Front Squats Bar Facing burpees Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 125/85 Lv3:...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitLazar Ðukić (Time)3 Rounds of: 30 calorie Row 10 Bar Muscle-Ups Rest 3 minutes Then, 3 Rounds of: 30 calorie Row 15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups Rest 3 minutes Finally, 3 rounds of: 10 Bar...

Potrero Hill, South Park - CrossFitChallenge of the MonthMax Height Box Jump (Distance)Max Height Box JumpWOD (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)8 min AMRAP 8 Hang Power Snatch 12 Back Rack Lunges Lv1: 65/45 Lv2:...