17 Apr WOD- Friday, April 18
Paleo Challenge Hydrostatic Weigh-in is today! Make sure to reserve a spot to test your body composition. Anyone not part of the paleo challenge is welcome to do this. The Fitness Wave Norcal truck will be parked out front of the box. Bring a swimsuit!
WOD/Warm-up: Death By Wall Balls (12 min cap)
*reps start at 2 in the 1st min and go up by 2 each min (2, 4, 6, 8…)
“Death” is complete when can no longer complete the given amount of reps in a minute.
20/14 # @ 10 ft/ 9ft target
a) 8-10 min to work up to 80-85% 1RM Split Jerk
b) Pause Split Jerks
6 x 1 @ 80-85% 1 RM
*Hold the split for 3 sec, then hold the “feet together” finish for 3 sec.
*partner up to count for each other
Finisher: 3×10 Strict Toes to bar
WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to mobilize for the WOD
1. Tricep Extension Smash
2. Overhead Tissue Smash
3. Overhead Banded Distration
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