31 Jul WOD- Friday, Aug 1
Today marks the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of being in our new space! Thank you to all of you who stuck it out during the move, and to all the coaches and athletes who have helped us create a better place to WOD.
WOD, Friday, August 1
- Heaving Snatch Balance + OHS + Squat Snatch
Lv1: Use PVC Pipe
Lv2: Use training bar or regular bar. If you feel good add some weight 10-20 lbs.
Lv3: Warm up to 60% of your 1RM Snatch and use that weight for all 6 sets
WOD: 3 Rounds for time
30 Grasshoppers
15 Power Snatches
10 Box Jumps
Lv1: 65/35, Box steps ups
Lv2: 75/45, box jumps 24″/20″
Lv3: 95/65, 30″/24″
SKILL OF THE MONTH: Come early, stay late, or practice during open gym. Here is homework to get you closer or better at muscle ups.
1. Ring dips or Ring Supports 3 x 5-10reps
2. Jumping MU Transition 2×5
3. Swing Hip to Rings with false grip hold
4. Handstand hold against wall 2 x 30 sec
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