WOD- Friday, Aug 29

Labor Day Schedule for Monday, Sept 1:
8:30am Elements
9:30 and 10:30 am regular class
9:30 Barbell Club

1. Ankles: Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach
2. T-spine: T-spine smash
3. Hips: Trailing Leg Hip Extension

WOD: “Jack”

    For time:
    1000 m row
    30 Front Squats @55%
    30 Pull-ups

    Lv1: 95/65
    Lv2: 125/85
    Lv3: 145/105

    *FS from floor
    *weight should be no heavier than 55% of 1RM


    Side plank hold 30 sec- 2 sets

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