18 Dec WOD- Friday, Dec 19th
Strength: Wendler Wk4 Deload week
Pause Front Squats with straight arms out
(% based on 90% of 1RM)
5×3 @ 60-70%
(no max reps)
*3 sec pause at bottom
WOD: “Tabata Wise” 20on/10 off
8 rounds
20 sec: Ball Slams
10 sec rest
20 sec: Russian Twists (with dball)
10 sec rest
20 sec: Burpees
=1 round total (do them in succession)
Score = total of the 3 lowest scores of each movement
Lv1: 15/10 dball
Lv2: 20/15 dball
Lv3: 30/20 dball
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