13 Dec WOD – Friday, December 14th
Front Squat
18 Minutes to build to a moderate/heavy 3 Rep Front Squat
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
200M Run
5 Clusters 135/95
Level 2: 115/85
Level 1: 95/65
**Must past thru squat, can get it overhead any way.
If you are competing Saturday in our 7th Annual Holiday Athlete’s Cup, today should be a rest day. Though if you are looking for some movement to get prepared for tomorrow, here is what you will substitute for Part A and B.
4 Sets for Quality @ 70% Effort
3 Minutes Bike
10 Samson Walking Lunges
10 Kbs w/ Light/Moderate Weight
10 Kossack Squats
90 second of Lat Band Stretch each side
90 second of Banded Hip Distraction each side
2 minutes Foam Roll Quads each side
2 minutes Pigeon Pose on Box each side
15 Cat/Cow
10 Inch Worms w/Push
1 minute Rebound ( Laying on back like snowflake)
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