05 Feb WOD- Friday, Feb 6
Will you please take 2 mins to fill out this survey for our Mobility Class. Thank you!
Drills: Tall jerks w/ PVC and bar
STRENGTH: Pause Jerks
Wendler wk 4
% based on 90% of 1RM of Push/Split Jerk
Deload week
x5 @ 40%
x5 @ 50%
x5 @ 60%
*Pause 3 sec in the catch, and 3 sec at the reset
WOD: 3rds “FGB styleā€¯
1 min stations
-Row (cal)
-Russian KBS 70/53
-Shoot Thrus (no push up or dip)
1 min rest
Lv1: 53/35
Lv2: 62/44
Lv3: 70/53
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