11 Jan WOD- Friday, Jan 12
This Saturday’s Schedule will be a little different to accomodate for the Paleo Challenge Info Session:
8am Lite N Tite
9am Regular CrossFit
10-10:30am Paleo Challenge Info Session
10:30am Regular CrossFit
11:30am Barbell Club
Paleo Challenge starts Jan 21! Come to the info session this Saturday to learn about how the challenge works. Visit the Paleo Challenge page HERE.
(15-20 min)
Ring Dips
5×8 AHAP
Super set with 5×10 weighted sit ups (DB on chest)
-anchored is OK
30 sec on/off-7rds
30 sec- Wall Balls for reps @ 30/20#
30 sec rest
30 sec- Burpee box jump over @ 24/20″
30 sec rest
*go up a weight heavier for the WB than usual
Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard
Don’t have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero Hill, we provide free access to this tool for our member athletes.
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