03 Jul WOD- Friday, July 4th Independence Day
Happy 4th of July!
8:00 and 9:00 AM Class Only
Here’s a special one for ya!
“July 4, 1776”
7 rounds with a 5 Air Squat EMOM:
1 rope climb
7 Hang Squat Clean 95/65
7 Push Press
6 C2B Pull-ups
(25 min Cap)
Lv1: (no EMOM)
4 Wall Walks
7 K2A
7 Front Squats 65/45
7 Push Press
6 Pull-ups
Lv2: (3 air squat EMOM)
4 Neg HSPU
7 K2E
7 Hang Power Cleans + Front Squat 75/55
7 Push Press 75/55
6 Pull-ups
WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to prepare your body for the WOD:
1. Overhead Banded Distration
2. Trailing Leg Hip Extension
Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups!
Week 7/1-7/6/14
1. Swing Hip to Rings 3×8
2. Ring Supports 3×8
3. Ring Rows 3×10
4. False Grip Hang 2x 10-20 sec
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