14 May WOD- Friday May 15
New Class “Lite N’Tite” starts this week! Mon, Wed, Fri at 6:30am. All the CrossFit without the barbells.
Wendler Wk 3
% based on 90% of 1 RM
75% x3
85% x5
95% xMR
add 10# to %
WOD: 8 min AMRAP
8 Burpee Box Jump overs
Lv1: 35/25
Lv2: 55/35
Lv3: 72/55
2 min Hollow Hold
2 min Plank Hold
Lite N’ Tite 6:30 AM
WOD 1:
Rowing Intervals
5 RDS of
30 sec sprint (100% effort)
90 sec “jog” (50%-65% of max effort)
WOD 2: 8 min AMRAP
8 Burpee Box Jump overs
Lv1: 35/25
Lv2: 55/35
Lv3: 72/55
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