02 Oct WOD- Friday, Oct 3
WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to prepare your body before the WOD
We are on the second week of the Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 strength training program in conjunction with metabolic conditioning. This is going to be great for those of you who are looking for a consistent strength training cycle. In participating in the cycle, it is very important that you track your reps and weights and read up on the details of the cycle here.
If you are not following the cycle, not a problem, you can still do the strength sets and reps with everyone else!
Strength a): Wendler Week 2:
Strict Press
(% based on 90% of 1 rm)
x3 @70%
x3 @ 80%
Max Reps @ 90%
WOD: every 2 mins with an increasing DU ladder until failure.
2, 15ft Rope Climbs
DUs 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80…
min 0-2
2 rope climbs
30 DU
min 2-4
2 rop climbs
40 DU
min 4-6
2 rope climbs
50 DU
Lv1: 15 K2E /Lat bar hop
Lv2: 1 rope climb/ start at 10 DU
Lv3: 2, 15ft rope climbs/ start at 30 DU
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