28 Sep WOD- Friday, Sept 29
*CrossFit Team Series is now!!! Partner competition, 4 WODs each week for 2 Weeks! 9/20-10/2. We will be hosting week 1 Friday night (9/22), and Saturday morning (9/23). .
Kipping Handstand push-up drills/ progression
Team Series Event 7:
Partner 1
0:00-2:00 max rep HSPU/ hand release push-ups
2:00-4:00 rest
4:00-6:00 max rep Double Unders
6:00-8:00 rest
8:00-10:00 max reps Back Squat @ Bodyweight/70% Bodyweight
Partner 2
10:00-12:00 max rep Back Squat @ bodyweight/70% of bodyweight
12:00-14:00 rest
14:00-16:00 max reps Double Unders
16:00-18:00 rest
18:00-20:00 max reps HSPU/ hand release push-ups
***For those of you registered for team series, 4-7pm Alexis will be here to help you. Also, if you can volunteer to judge that would be great! Watch the standards here. ***
Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href=”http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2017/sept29/”]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button]
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