17 Aug WOD- Monday, Aug 18
SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS – Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU.
Week 8/18-8/24/14:
1. Handstand scapula push-ups 2x10reps
2. Tripod to headstand 3×5
3. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3×5
4. Banded HSPU (ask for a spotter for the first couple of tries) 3×8
WOD- Monday, Aug 18
“Bear Complex”
5 sets to find max weight of the barbell complex-
7 rounds unbroken of:
1 Pwr Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press
*Once completed 7 rounds can rest as long as needed before attempting next round. Add weight each round, and try not to fail! You are going to need each other’s support on this one!
*cannot blend movements together (ie. squat cleans or thrusters)
WOD Prep with Yasmen- how to prepare before the WOD
1. Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach
2. Couch Stretch
3. Shoulder Opener with Lacrosse Ball
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