03 Aug WOD- Monday, Aug 4
NEW SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS – Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU.
1. HS hold against wall, 2×30 sec
2. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3×5
3. Tripod to headstand against wall 2×8
WOD- Monday, Aug 4
Warm: DU skill work
Strength: Back Squats (20-25min)
2×5 @70%, 2×3 @80%, 2×1 @90%
WOD: Summer Throwdown Event #2
3 cycles of, 2 min AMRAP-
20 burpees
DU for reps
1 min rest
*every one must attempt DU, unless singles are a struggle, then sub with singles.
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