02 Feb WOD-Monday, Feb. 3
2014 CrossFit Open Registration is Live!
First WOD is Announced Feb. 27th
Spend 20 min working on A, B or both:
A) Kipping/Butterfly Pull-Up technique
B) Kipping/Strict HSPU
Note: There is a significant amount of strength required to perform all the movements in the skill portion for today. Shoulder girdle stability is an absolute must if you’re going to attempt these movements. Find your limits and fail, but first establish what kind of stress your shoulder girdle can accommodate. Strict movements and holds are a great way to test your limits if you’re a novice to intermediate kipper.
5 rounds for time (25 min cap):
20 Pull-Ups
30 Sit ups
***If you do not finish, add one second to your score for each rep you do not complete***
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