17 Apr WOD- Saturday, April 18
You are all invited to come by this Saturday April 18th at 5pm for a casual mural viewing and a chance to speak to the artist herself about her vision! There will be refreshments from Marin Brewing Company
See our facebook event page here.
You ask and you shall receive! New MOBILITY/ ACTIVE RECOVERY CLASS added to SATURDAYS @ 10:30 AM. One less excuse… you’re welcome. See more details about our class schedule here.
Gymnasty Skillz Alternating EMOM-5 rds
Odd min:
Lv3: 1-3 Bar MU
Lv2: 3-6 Chest/ sternum to bar pull-up
Lv1: 5-8 pull-ups/ 3-5 negative pull-ups
Even min: 30 sec HS hold
(10 min total)
WOD: 5 rds for time (18 min CAP)
9 Pull-ups
15 Plate G2O Burpees*
21 Box jumps 24/20
Lv1: Jumping, 15/10
Lv2: Banded, 25/15
Lv3: 35/25
*Plate G2O Burpees- Do a push up with hands on plate, then stand up and press plate overhead.
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