24 Apr WOD- Saturday, April 25
Strength: Deload Week
Deficit Deadlift
40% x5
50% x5
60% x5
(% based on 90% of 1RM DL)
-start with standing on 45# plates and go to smaller plates from there, must be able to maintain spine pos.
WOD: “Tabata These”
20 sec on/ 10 sec off
Burpees- 8 rds
rest 1 min
KBS – 8 rds
rest 1 min
Push Press- 8 rds
rest 1 min
Hollow Rocks-8rds
Lv1: KB 35/18, PP 45/25
Lv2: KB 44/25, PP 65/45
Lv3: KB 53/35, PP 75/55
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