14 Aug WOD- Saturday Aug 15
WOD: Partner Lion Heart
A) 21-15-9
Ring dips or Push ups
Lv1: 35/25
Lv2: 53/35
Lv3: 62/53
B) 15-12-9
C2B pull-ups or pull-ups
Box Jumps (24/20)
C) 9-6-3
Burpees over bar
Lv1: 155/125
Lv2: 185/155
Lv3: 225/185
One partner does an entire WOD, while the other rests. After both partners have gone through the WOD, the first partner immediately starts the next portion.
Score is time of both partners completing all 3 parts.
10:30 Mobility Class with Carly: Carly is out of town. Click here for a program.
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