01 Aug WOD- Saturday, Aug 2
Tomorrow, Sunday Aug 3, come cheer on Victor, Alexis and Ryan at the Lalanne Fitness Summer Throwdown! It is on Treasure Island from 9am-6pm. You support means the world. Check out the website here.
WOD: 25 min AMRAP
30 Deadlift @75-80% 1RM
40 Push Ups
50 Wall Balls
60 Double Unders
*One partner works for 30 sec while other rests, rotating every 30 sec
*Sub lat bar hops for DU
*Male/female combos use two different bars.
Finisher: For Time complete 100 partner med ball sit ups.
SKILL OF THE MONTH: Come early, stay late, or practice during open gym. Here is homework to get you closer or better at muscle ups.
1. Ring dips or Ring Supports 3 x 5-10reps
2. Jumping MU Transition 2×5
3. Swing Hip to Rings with false grip hold
4. Handstand hold against wall 2 x 30 sec
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