29 Dec WOD-Saturday, Dec 30
Holiday Hours:
Monday- Jan 1- 12 pm only
Tuesday, Jan 2- 7am, 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm only
8:30am Lite N Tite
Dec Challenge re-test:
1k Row at max effort for time
800m run buy-in
10 burpee pull-ups
20 jumping lunges
800m run cash out
9:30 and 10:30am CrossFit
Dec Challenge re-test:
1k Row at max effort for time
Partner WOD:
12 min AMRAP
10 Ring MU
30 Overhead Barbell Lunges
10 Ring MU
40 Front Rack Barbell Lunges
10 Ring MU
50 Back Rack Barbell Lunges
*Share Work as desired
*3 burpee pull-ups = 1 MU
Lv1: 45/35
Lv2: 75/50
Lv3: 95/65
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