09 Jun WOD- Saturday, June 10
8:30 am Lite N Tite
10 min cap
Each complete 5 rds of:
16/12 cal row in :45sec
8 C2B
1x each
D: Run 200m
O: Wall balls
1x each
D: 400m run
O: sit-ups
1x each
D: 800m run
O: box jumps
9:30 am CrossFit
Ring MU
Technique/ drills
Support hold
10 GHD situps
5 Knees to feet
Crossfit Baseball (break into 2 teams, add up the runs)
20 min AMRAP
1st base-
(At the 50 mark)
25 DB thrusters
2nd base
(pull up rig)
5 MU/ 10 burpee pull-ups
3rd base
25 push ups
Home base
10 clean and jerks
Lv1: 95/65
Lv2: 115/75
Lv3: 135/95
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