10 Nov WOD- Saturday, Nov 11
8:30 am Lite n Tite
Ring Dips 5×5 AHAP
Lv1: ring supports
4 rounds for time
10 Renegade Rows*
DB farmer carry
15 DB Thrusters
*Lv1: knees- one push up
Lv2: one strict push-up
Lv3: 2 strict push-ups
9:30 am and 10:30 am Regular Class
4 x 10 Back Squat every 3 min
Start around 55-60% and increase ea set as desired.
*tip, when working up to weight, only do 6-7reps
3 cycles:
2 min AMRAP
1 MU/5 ring dips
5 DL
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP
Row for cal
1 min rest
Lv1: 135/95
Lv2: 205/155
Lv3: 250/185
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