22 Nov WOD-Saturday, Nov. 23
If you have a CFPH Tee, throw it on today! Please try to avoid wearing another CrossFit affiliate’s logo tee & try to avoid anything too busy (stripes, patterns, neon).
If you come to class today, YOU WILL BE ON VIDEO. If you don’t mind being on camera, come join class for a very fun WOD and smile for the camera! 🙂
A) In 8 mins, find your 1RM Thruster (from the rack)
B) 7 min EMOM
- 2 Thrusters @ 75% of 1RM
(Beginners take bar from rack. Intermediate and advanced take bar from floor)
Partner WOD
12 Min AMReps
20 Partner Burpees
30 Pull-ups
40 Wall Balls @ 20/14#
*Divide reps any way you like. Only one partner can work at at time
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